Mathew Graphic
Size S8号(455×455)
edition #1
Matthew (イカ)
Matthew is a blue squid that lives in the sea. It is wearing colorful shoes that were found in the sea. Matthew dresses up with many shoes that have been lost in the sea. Shows about the current nature of the sea, the idea that things should not be dropped in order to protect sea creatures and the beauty of the sea, and how we humans should keep the ocean clean and take care of animals. I drew Matthew with that my mind.
ピンクのタコをはじめとするPASQUITON FRIENDSはカラフルな装いでみんなを自然と楽しい気持ちさせます。一枚一枚には彼のストーリーやエモーションが込められています。アートの力で、YUが感じた美しさや喜びをユーモアをプラスして表現しています。
Artist Yu, 16 years old, from Japan.
A globally active artist based in New York, USA.
Founded the art brand called " Pasquiton " in 2021 and opened an art gallery in Tokyo, Japan in 2023.
Having lived with animals since childhood, she feels how great and important the power animals give to humans, and uses her own sensibility to paint colorful pictures of animals.
Yu's paintings are based on the theme of humans and animals living happily together, and depict many animals full of personality. Yu is working with the goal of making many people and many animals happy with her own art.